Off-Track Garage Door Repair

Serving Pagosa Springs & Durango, CO

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Do You Need Help With an Off-Track Garage Door?

Has your garage door come off its tracks? An off-track garage door is one of the easiest garage door issues to identify because it will come up at an angle or sit crooked in the tracks. However, it isn’t a repair you should ever attempt on your own. Whether your door came off track because of a messed-up roller or a loose track, you should stop using it immediately. Continuing to open and close your door can cause expensive damage to the track and door. Instead, contact Bearfoot Garage Doors for off-track garage door repair near Pagosa Springs and Durango, CO. We’re here to restore your overhead door to full functionality in no time!

off-track garage door repair

Signs of a Problem With Your Garage Door

Your garage door system has many moving parts that work together to keep your door running safely and reliably. However, high levels of tension and the door’s weight constantly strain the parts, meaning they may eventually malfunction or break. You must look out for any abnormal operation with your overhead door that indicates a problem, including:

  • Uneven, jerky, or stuttering movement during operation  
  • Tilted, slanted, or crooked garage doors
  • Loud grinding or scraping noises during the operation
  • Visible gaps between the garage door and the tracks
  • Dented, bent, or broken garage door tracks
  • Difficulty opening or closing the garage door manually
  • Noticeable wear and tear, such as rust and corrosion

When you notice a problem with your garage door, contact a qualified local garage door company near Pagosa Springs and Durango, CO, to provide fast, effective garage door repairs. We’ve seen it all when it comes to garage door problems, ranging from off-track garage doors to broken garage door springs. We’re here to guarantee the best results to get your overhead door up and running again quickly!

garage door repairs near Aztec NM

Call us at (970) 251-0479 or (970) 230-3839

We can repair any garage door!

Call Us Quickly for Off-Track Garage Door Repair

Are you experiencing one of these garage door emergencies because of an off-track garage door? 

  • Your garage door is stuck open or shut.
  • You are trapped in or out of your garage.
  • Your garage door is at risk of completely falling off its tracks.
  • Your off-track garage door threatens the safety and security of your property and anyone nearby.

If you are in any of these precarious situations near Pagosa Springs and Durango, CO, our team will offer speedy assistance and lasting solutions. Contact us for emergency off-track garage door repair near you! Our garage door repair professionals are highly trained to offer efficient, effective solutions no matter the extent of your garage door damage. 

What can cause a garage door to come off track?

What do I do if my garage door is off track?

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